Uncle Roddus Tramping Diary:Tramp No 58
East Hawdon - 11-12th March 2006
The original plan for this CTC trip was to head up the Hawdon and East Hawdon and then over the saddle just East of point 1708, then drop down into the Casey Stream for a camp and then to head back out over Casey Saddle on Sunday.
A party of five set off from Hawdon Shelter around 10:30am on a warm and fine morning with a light breeze.
Lunch was had about half way up the East Hawdon after one of our party turned back as his boots fell to pieces, he hitched back to the city. After cresting the saddle later in the day, we started to head down towards the Casey, following the stream down, but we encountered a waterfall with no obvious way round it. As it was getting quite late in the day by this time and one of our party wasn't coping too well with the difficulty of the trip(which may explain why it took us so long to get to where we were), the decision was made to camp, with difficulty, on the side of the hill, as things got considerably colder and a light rain started to fall.
On Sunday, our leader decided that due to the condition of out struggling companion and the fact that we still hadn't found our way around the water fall, we would head back out the way we came in. We arrived at the cars about 5:00pm.
The three photos above also give me an indication as to why our travel was slower than I thought it should be for the distance travelled. |
Further up the East Hawdon. |
A great shot looking back towards the Hawdon river. |
Nice shot of the tops. |
Heading down towards the Casey, again the terrain explains our travel times. |
The high camp, it was colder than it looked and also steeper than it appears. I remember almost sliding out of the tent when someone went out in the night. |
This must be looking back up from the camp. |