Uncle Roddus Tramping diary:Tramp No.83
Mt Barrosa 17th January 2010

After the marathon spud dig yesterday, I needed to get out in the mountains again for some tramping. This trip was one I was gonna do with the Christchurch Tramping Club last May, but due to terrible weather conditions it was decided to do something else instead, so when asking my old school friend, Bruce, if he wanted to do something this weekend, he told me he wanted to do this trip with the Avon Club, of which he is a member and seeing as I didn't get to do it last time I asked if I could tag along.
The weather forcast was for low cloud and drizzle in the morning and maybe clearing later in the day, with more rain forcast later still. It didn't sound too promising.
I met them at Mt Somers township and followed them to the place of departure of our tramp, it wasnt too cold but visability was going to be an issue and thankfully the rain stayed away. We started up the hill and then had to drop down into a gut before another sharp climb. the going was pretty easy with short snow grass and other small plants and the clouds keep lifting and giving us a brief view of out route, so we didn't end up having any trouble finding our way up.
After several ups and downs and lunch, we started on the final assent to the summit, where we were just above the clouds but still didnt have any views of the surrounding countryside. After admiring the rock formations along the tops and having second lunch in the sun, we headed back down the same way to the cars. Next time I go up there(on a clear sunny day) I would like to continue along the tops and drop down the ridge at the other end back to the road. On a clear day the views will be exellent and I really enjoyed the top with its little Stonehenge type rock formations.
The first climb looking back to the road
Nice steep start to get the lungs and legs pumpung
One of the few views we got
A break in the clag
Making progress
One of the groups of rocks at the top
Proof that I made it
We did get some sun at the top.
Somewhere under all that is the Canterbury Planes
More Rocks
Over Here!
Our last view before the cloud came back in
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