Uncle Roddus Tramping diary:Tramp No. 91
Red Hill 23rd May 2010
Red Hill 23rd May 2010

Wohoo, finally got out tramping again. A word of warning, the photos, for a while, will be of a lessor quality as I dropped my normal camera onto the floor here in the office and damaged the lens, which the shop has informed me is uneconomical to fix, so until I can get a new one I have to put up with this shitty little freebie I acquired some time ago, also the weather on today's trip didn't leave us with too many decent photo opportunities.
Red hill is tucked in out the back of Lake Lyndon, just over Porters pass. Because the weather was so crappy last weekend, I decided to stay at home, but this weekend I needed to get out no matter what. Unfortunately the forecast wasn't the brightest, after the excellent day we had yesterday, with the possibility of snow and low clouds etc... Anyhow 14 Christchurch Tramping Club members and prospective members set off from the lake around 9:45am in light drizzle and followed the cattle track up onto the saddle. About half the group had decided to do a more extended version and so broke off and went up to Mt Lyndon and would reconnect with the rest of us at point 1494. Our group reached point 1494 before them but didn't have to wait long for them to materialise out of the mist. Rendezvous completed we set off for point 1488 where lunch was had. Next we continued on in light snow along the ridge in low visibility up onto Red Hill where we didn't linger long as the views were almost nonexistent and it was pretty cold. A bit of scree dropped us quickly down to point 1321 and it stopped snowing, and then continued on past 1249 and back down to the valley floor back over the saddle in light rain and back to the cars. A nice walk, will have to do it again when the visibility is a bit better and also would be a nice winter trip in the snow.
Ready to start off from Lake Lyndon
Looking down into the valley from the first saddle.
The Boys racing up the hill to point 1244
Looking up to where we gotta go next.
I think we were trespassing on his patch.
Heading down the scree.
Below the scree.
Are we there yet?
Looking across the valley back towards the saddle.
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