The Sun Ra Discography Part Four
Discography Items # 76-127
Item #
Alternate Title(s)
Other Voices, Other Blues
Media Dream
Saturn Research
Disco 3000
Sound Mirror
Live in Philadelphia '78
The Other Side of the Sun
God Is More than Love Can Ever Be
Blithe Spirit Dance;
Days of Happiness;
Song of the Stargazers
On Jupiter
Seductive Fantasy
Sleeping Beauty
Door of the Cosmos
Live [from] Soundscape
Of Mythic Worlds
Strange Celestial Road
I, Pharaoh
Interplanetary Concepts;
There Is a Change in the Air
Sunrise in Different Dimensions
Voice of the Eternal Tomorrow
The Rose Hue Mansions of the Sun
Aurora Borealis
Ra Rachmaninov
Beyond the Purple Star Zone
Immortal Being
God's Private Eye
Dance of Innocent Passion
Oblique Parallex
Journey Stars Beyond
A Fireside Chat with Lucifer
Celestial Love
Nuclear War
Ra to the Rescue
Just Friends
Sun Ra Arkestra Meets Salah Ragab in Egypt
Stars that Shine Darkly, v.1
Outer Reach Intensity-Energy
Stars that Shine Darkly, v.2
Love in Outer Space: Live in Utrecht
Live at Praxis 84, v.1
Live at Praxis 84, v.2
Live at Praxis 84, v.3
When Spaceships Appear
Cosmo-Party Blues;
Children of the Sun
Cosmo Sun Connection
John Cage Meets Sun Ra
A Night in East Berlin
A Night in East Berlin / My brothers the wind & sun n.9
Reflections in Blue
Hours After
Bratislava Jazz Days
Hidden Fire
Hidden Fire
Stay Awake
Cosmo Omnibus Imagiable Illusion: Live at Pitt Inn
Live at Pitt Inn
Somewhere Else
Blue Delight
Second Star to the Right: (Salute to Walt Disney)
Stardust from Tomorrow
Purple Night
Live in London 1990
Beets: a Collection of Jazz Songs
Mayan Temples
Live at the Hackney Empire
Friendly Galaxy
At the Village Vanguard
Destination Unknown
76. Sun Ra Quartet
Other Voices, Other Blues
Horo HDP 23-24
Side A:
Springtime and Summer Idyll (Ra)
One Day in Rome (Ra)
Side B:
Bridge on the Ninth Dimension (Ra)
Along the Tiber (Ra)
Side C:
Sun, Sky, and Wind (Ra)
Rebellion (Ra)
Side D:
Constellation (Ra)
The Mystery of Being (Ra)
Sun Ra-p; Crumar Mainman-keyb; Michael Ray-tp; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Luqman Ali-d. Horo Voice Studio, Rome 1/8 and 1/13/78. [Album jacket]
77. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Media Dream
(Saturn Research)
Saturn 1978; 19783 (matrix CMP 1978 C-A/D-B)
Side A:
Saturn Research (Ra)
Constellation (Ra)
Yera [sic] of the Sun (Ra)
Side B:
Media Dreams (Ra)
Twigs at Twilight (Ra)
An Unbeknowneth Love (Ra)
Sun Ra-org, p; Crumar Mainman-drum box, etc; Michael Ray-tp; John Gilmore-ts; Luqman Ali-d. Live in Italy, January 1978 (maybe 1/9/78). [Stahl]
78. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Disco 3000
Saturn CMIJ 78
Saturn Gemini CMIJ 78
Side A:
Disco 3000 (incl. Space is the Place) (Ra)
Side B:
Third Planet (Ra)
Friendly Galaxy (Ra)
Dance of the Cosmo-Aliens (Ra)
Ra-p, org; Crumar Mainman-drum box, etc; Michael Ray-tp, voc; John Gilmore-ts, voc; Luqman Ali-d, voc. Italy, 1/78. Side B live. [Stahl and rlc]
79. Sun Ra and Walt Dickerson
Steeplechase SCS 1126
Steeplechase SCCD 31126 (CD)
Side A:
Astro (Dickerson)
Utopia (Dickerson)
Visions (Dickerson)
Side B:
Constructive Neutrons (Dickerson)
Space Dance (Dickerson)
added on SCCD 31126:
Light Years (Dickerson)
Prophecy (Dickerson)
Ra-p; Dickerson-vib. Recorded 7/11/1978. [Album jacket]
80. Sun Ra
Philly Jazz PJ 666
Side A:
Lanquidity (Ra)
Where Pathways Meet (Ra)
That's How I Feel (Ra)
Side B:
Twin Stars of Thence (Ra)
There are other Worlds (They have not Told You of) (Ra)
Ra-ARP, Fender Rhodes, Yamaha org, Hammond B3 org, Mini-Moog, p, orchestral bells; Crumar Mainman-voc; Eddie Gale-tp; Michael Ray-tp, flg; Marshall Allen-as, ob, fl; Danny Davis-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Julian Pressley-bs; James Jacson-bsn, fl, ob, ethnic voice; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl; Dale Williams-eg; Disco Kid-eg; Richard Williams-b, eb; Luqman Ali-d, perc; Atakatune-cga, tympani; Michael Anderson-perc; June Tyson-ethnic voice; Edde Tahmahs (Eddie Thomas)-ethnic voice. Blank Tapes Studio, New York, 7/17/1978. [Album jacket]
81. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Sound Mirror
(Live in Philadelphia '78)
Saturn 19782
Side A:
The Sound Mirror (The Mayan Temples) (Ra)
Sun Ra-voc; Marshall Allen-fl; John Gilmore-perc; Danny Ray Thompson0-bs; Ben Henderson (Jaribu Shahid)-b; Luqman Ali-d; James Jacson-Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum. Ensemble vocal. Philadelphia, 1978.
Side B:
Jazzisticology (Ra)
Of Other Tomorrows Never Known (Ra)
Ra-p, syn, keyb; Michael Ray-tp; John Gilmore-ts; Luqman Ali-d. Italy, January 1978. [Personnel from Stahl, corrected by rlc; locations from Buzelin; thanks to Dan Plonsey for tape]
82. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
The Other Side of the Sun
Sweet Earth SER 1003
Side A:
Space Fling (Ra) (7:40)
Flamingo (Grouya-Anderson) (4:50)
Space is the Place (Ra) (9:50)
Side B:
The Sunny Side of the Street (McHugh) (9:40)
Manhattan Cocktail (Ra) (10:15)
Ra-p, Fender Rhodes, perc, bells, voc; Walter Miller-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Eddie Gale-tp; Tony Bethel-tb; Robin Eubanks-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, fl; Danny Davis-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Eloe Omoe-bcl, as; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl, perc; Dale Williams-eg; Oscar Brown Jr.-eb; Bob Cunningham-b; Ben "Jereeboo" Henderson (Jaribu Shahid)-b; Atakatune-perc; Luqman Ali-d, perc; William Goffigan-perc; Eddie Thomas-perc; June Tyson-voc. Blue Rock Studios, New York, 11/1/1978 and 1/4/1979. [Album jacket]
83. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be
(Blithe Spirit Dance)
(Days of Happiness)
Saturn 72579
Side A:
Days of Happiness (Ra)
Magic City Blue (Ra)
Tenderness (Ra)
Side B:
Blithe Spirit Dance (Ra)
God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be (Ra)
Ra-p; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d. Recorded 7/25/1979.
[Geerken and Stahl; thanks to Mark Webber for a tape]
84. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Saturn 91379
Side A:
The Place of Five Points (Ra)
West End Side of Magic City (Ra)
Dark Lights in a White Forest (Ra)
Side B:
Omniverse (Ra)
Visitant of the Ninth Ultimate (Ra)
Ra-p; Michael Ray-tp; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d. Probably West End Cafe, New York, 9/13/1979. [Geerken, corrected by rlc; thanks to Dan Plonsey for a tape]
Sun Ra played Saturn 456 on WKCR. It was a pressing of Side A of this album. There was nothing on the label (as read by Phil Schaap) except Saturn 456 and West End. Is West End also a reference to Ra's old stomping grounds in Birmingham? Five Points seems to be. [rlc]
85. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Song of the Stargazers
Saturn 6161 (NMY), LP 487
Side A:
The Others in their World (Ra, not the 1960 piece)
Somewhere Out (Ra)
Distant Stars (Ra, not the 1960 piece either)
Side B:
Seven Points (Ra)
Cosmo Dance (Ra)
Galactic Synthesis (Ra)
Ra-p, keyb; Michael Ray-tp; poss. Craig Harris-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, picc; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-bcl; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; unknown-eg; unknown-b; poss. Luqman Ali (Edward Skinner)-d; unknown-cga; unknown-perc. Live recording, unknown location.
The non-gonzo guitarist suggests 1978 or later. Seven Points seems akin as a title to Five Points (on Omniverse). Sound is awful -- keyboard is often off mike. Julian Vein says that the LP may have been recorded on only one stereo channel; Geerken concurs that both of his copies sound defective. Vocalists are so hard to hear that I can't tell whether June Tyson is there or not, or whether they ever got to sing Song of the Stargazers. Distant Stars is an abstract piano rumination. Seven Points is an exciting and rather humorous percussion piece. Cosmo Dance is a sinuosity for oboe and bass clarinet (maybe it backed the dancers with the giant Thai hats). [rlc]
Somewhere between 1976 and 1981 lies this mystery album. Hartmut Geerken confirms that it was released, as he and two other European collectors own copies. "Maybe Saturn produced it in a very limited edition and they sold it while touring through Europe." Geerken says that the LP has a Chicago Saturn label (perhaps it is the last Chicago Saturn?). Stahl's discography listed it as a 1961 release, from the Sun Arts Club in Chicago (a place I am convinced is imaginary). I do wonder, though, about Edward Skinner (listed by Stahl on drums) because he was later known as Luqman Ali! Did Stahl take Skinner's name as evidence of a 1961 recording date? In any case, one listen will convince you this session was not made in 1961. Thanks to Mark Webber for sending me a tape. [rlc]
86. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
On Jupiter
(Seductive Fantasy)
El Saturn 101679
Side A:
On Jupiter (Ra)
UFO (Ra-Clarke-Richardson)
Side B:
Seductive Fantasy (Ra)
Ra-p, org, keyb, voc; Eddie Gale-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob; John Gilmore-ts; Julian Pressley-bs; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl; Skeeter McFarland-eg; Taylor Richardson-eg; Steve Clarke-eb; poss. Richard Williams-b; Atakatune-perc; Luqman Ali-d; June Tyson and ensemble-voc. Studio, recorded 10/16/1979. [Geerken and rlc]
87. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Sleeping Beauty
(Door of the Cosmos)
Saturn 11-1-79, 79
Side A:
Springtime Again (Ra)
Door of the Cosmos (Ra)
Side B:
Sleeping Beauty (Ra)
Ra-p, ep, org, voc; Michael Ray-tp, flg; Walter Miller-tp; Tony Bethel-tb; Craig Harris-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Disco Kid-eg; Richard Williams-eb; Harry Wilson-vib; Atakatune-perc; Luqman Ali-d; June Tyson and ensemble-voc. Studio, recorded 11/1/79. [Geerken]
87A. Sun Ra & His Cosmo Drama Arkestra
Live [from] Soundscape
DIW 388 (CD, 1994)
Disc 1 (DIW-388):
Astro Black [Sun Ra] (11:52)
When There Is No Sun [Sun Ra] (4:04)
Living in the Space Age [Sun Ra] (2:02)
Keep Your Sunny Side Up [Sun Ra] (2:52)
D.27 [aka: Discipline 27] [Sun Ra] (12:36)
Watusi [Sun Ra, André Pitts, Terri Vanne Sherrill] (12:22)
Space Is the Place [Sun Ra] (7:56)
We Travel the Spaceways [Sun Ra] (7:33)
On Jupiter, the Skies Are Always Blue [Sun Ra] (6:39)
Sun Ra & His Cosmo Drama Arkestra: Walter Miller-tp; Micahel Ray-tp, voc; Vincent Chancey-frn; Charles Stephens-tb; Marshall Allen-as ; Sun Ra-p, kyb; Skeeter McFarland-eg; Damon Choice-vbs; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d; Atakatune-perc; June Tyson-voc, dance. Recorded in concert at Soundscape, NYC, 11 November 1979. [Personnel from liner notes, with adjustments by Moudry.]
Disc 2 (DIW-388B):
The Possibility of Altered Destiny lecture by Sun Ra (72:39)
Sun Ra-lecture. Recorded at Soundscape, NYC, Saturday, 10 November 1979. [Information from reproduction of an advertising poster in DIW 388.]
Originally issued in 1994 by DIW of Japan in two states, both with the same catalogue number: a single CD of the music, and a two disc box, the second disc containing the lecture. DIW stated that the two disc set was a limited edition, but it was reissued on 1998 under the same catalogue number and is currently available through most Web CD stores. [Added to the Discography by Moudry 981203.]
88. Sun Ra
Of Mythic Worlds
Philly Jazz PJ 1007
Side A:
Mayan Temples (Ra)
Over the Rainbow (Harburg-Arlen)
Inside the Blues (Ra)
Side B:
Intrinsic Energies (Ra)
Of Mythic Worlds (Ra)
Ra-org, syn, p; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d; Atakatune (Stanley Morgan)-perc. Recorded 1979. [Geerken]
Abdullah thinks this was made in 1979. There is a photo on the jacket of the Arkestra performing in Ann Arbor, probably in September 1979, but this sounds like a studio recording and the ensemble is a lot smaller. [rlc]
89. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Strange Celestial Road
Rounder 3035 (1982)
Y 19 (1982)
Virgin 201919 (1982)
Rounder 3035 (CD)
Side A:
Celestial Road (Ra)
Say (Ra)
Side B:
I'll Wait For You (Ra)
Ra-ep, org, syn; Michael Ray-tp; Curt Pulliam-tp; Walter Miller-tp; Craig Harris-tb; Tony Bethel-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-fl, bsn, perc; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Kenny Williams-ts, bs, fl; Noel Scott-as, bs; Hutch Jones-as, ts; Sylvester Baton-reeds; Skeeter McFarland-eg; Taylor Richardson-eg; Steve Clark-eb; Richard Williams-b; Harry Wilson-vib; Damon Choice-vib; Luqman Ali-d; Reg McDonald-d; Atakatune-perc; June Tyson-voc; Rhoda Blount-voc. Variety Recording Studio, New York, 1979.
Strange Celestial Road was performed at Moers in 1979, see tapeography T79.6.4. Hutch Jones and Curt Pulliam were from Philadelphia and joined the band in 1979. Given the similarity in personnel to the Moers concert, my guess is summer or fall 1979. [Personnel from jacket, Stahl says 1980.]
An edited version of Celestial Road (the first 5-6 min.) appeared on a sampler called Birth of the Y (Y 33 1/3) released in 1982. [Fligelstone]
90. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
I, Pharaoh
El Saturn 6680
Side A:
Rumpelstiltskin (Ra)
Images (Ra)
Side B:
I, Pharaoh (The Mayan Temples) (Ra)
Ra-p, org, syn, recitation; Marshall Allen-as, fl, picc; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Eloe Omoe-bcl, fl. Steve Clarke-eb; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d; Atakatune-perc; June Tyson-voc. Recorded live 1979 [according to Stahl, could be 6/6/80, though].
91. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Sunrise in Different Dimensions
hat Hut 2R17 (2 LPs, 1980)
hat Art 2017 (2 LPs, 1986)
hat Art 6099 (CD)
Side A:
Light from a Hidden Sun (Ra) (3:55)
Pin-Points of Spiral Prisms (Ra) (4:40)
Silhouettes of the Shadow World (Ra) (7:20)
Cocktails for Two (Johnston-Coslow)(3:20)
Side B:
'Round Midnight (Hanighen-Monk-Williams)(6:50)
Lady Bird (Dameron)/Half Nelson (Davis)(8:00)
Big John's Special (Horace Henderson)(3:40)
Yeah Man! (Sissle)(3:30)
Side C:
Provocative Celestials (Ra) (10:55) [not on CD –Moudry]
Love in Outer Space (Ra) (4:55) [not on CD –Moudry]
Disguised Gods in Skullduggery Rendez-vous (Ra) (9:00)
Side D:
Queer Notions (Hawkins) (2:55)
Limehouse Blues (Braham-Furber) (3:50)
King Porter Stomp (Morton) (3:30)
Take the A Train (Strayhorn) (5:05)
Lightnin' (Ellington) (2:45)
On Jupiter (Ra) (3:35)
A Helio-hello! and Goodbye Too! (Ra) (3:10)
Sun Ra-p, org; Michael Ray-tp, flg; Marshall Allen-as, ob, fl; Noel Scott-as, bs, fl; John Gilmore-ts, cl, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; Kenny Williams-ts, bs, fl; Eric "Samurai" Walker-d; Chris Henderson-d; June Tyson-voc. Recorded 2/24/1980, Gasthof Mohren, Willisau, Switzerland. [Album jacket and Stahl: Original release didn't give titles for the Sun Ra compositions. CD lacks three Ra compositions.]
[A track by track comparison of my CD and the listing above results in only the two tracks indicated above to be missing from the hat ART 6099 CD. Could someone provide the other missing Sun Ra composition? Moudry]
92. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Voice of the Eternal Tomorrow
(The Rose Hue Mansions of the Sun)
Saturn 91780
Side A:
Voice of the Eternal Tomorrow (Ra)
Approach of the Eternal Tomorrow (Ra)
Side B:
The Rose Hue Mansions of the Sun (Ra)
Ra-syn, org; Curt Pulliam-tp; Walter Miller-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Craig Harris-tb; Tony Bethel-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, ob; Noel Scott-bs, as; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Eloe Omoe-bcl; Kenny Williams-ts, bs; Hutch Jones-as, reeds; Sylvester Baton-reeds; Steve Clarke-eb; poss. Hayes Burnett or Richard Williams-b; Damon Choice-vib; Harry Wilson-vib; Luqman Ali-d; Reg McDonald-d. Recorded 9/17/1980, Squat Theater, New York.
[Personnel from Geerken, location from Greg Drusdow] A number of the Saturn albums from 1978 to 1982 were recorded live at the Squat Theater, New York.
93. Sun Ra
Aurora Borealis
(Ra Rachmaninov)
Saturn 10480, 12480
Side A:
Prelude in C# Minor (Rachmaninov)
Quiet Ecstasy (Ra)
Side B:
Aurora Borealis (Ra)
Omniscience (Ra)
Ra-p. Recorded 10/4/1980 or 12/4/1980.
94. Sun Ra
Beyond the Purple Star Zone
(Immortal Being)
Saturn 123180
Side A:
Beyond the Purple Star Zone (Ra)
Rocket Number Nine (Ra)
Side B:
Immortal Being (Ra)
Romance on a Satellite (Ra)
Planetary Search (Ra)
Ra-org, syn, voc; Tony Bethel-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, perc, voc; Skeeter McFarland-eg; Taylor Richardson-eg; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d; June Tyson-voc. Live at the Jazz Center, Detroit, 12/31/1980.
[Stahl, corrections by rlc; location from Fitzgerald]
Except for the sermonizing on Rocket Number Nine, this is a feature for Ra's keyboards. Chancey solos on Star Zone, and one of the guitarists (in a post-Charlie Christian vein) on Romance on a Satellite. [rlc]
[Drawn from the legendary three concert New Year's Eve/Day stand at the Detroit Jazz Center. See T80.12.31 for more information. —Moudry, 000309]
94A. Sun Ra & the Omniverse Jet Set Orchestra
God's Private Eye
[no label (His Story); 2 CD set, 2000]
limited, numbered edition of 400 sets
—His Story 01—
Cosmo Drana incl. Private Eye in the Sky [Sun Ra] (32:52)
Over the Rainbow [Harold Arlen, E.Y. Harberg] (organ solo) (3:54)
Fate in a Pleasant Mood [Sun Ra] (3:16)
Cosmo Drama incl. I Have Sparks [Sun Ra] / Happy New Year! [i.e., Auld Ang Syne [trad.] —Moudry] (20:16)
Hallowe'en in Harlem [Sun Ra] (10:54)
—His Story 02—
Cosmo Drama incl. The Sound Mirror [Sun Ra] (23:21)
Over the Rainbow [Arlen, Harberg] (piano solo) (2:33)
Moog Solo # [Sun Ra] (3:05)
Batman Theme [i.e., Unmask the Batman —Moudry] [Sun Ra] (6:23)
Cosmo drama incl. Saturn's Rings [Sun Ra] (17:17)
Moog Solo ## [Sun Ra] (4:09)
Strange Worlds [Sun Ra] (7:35)
Cosmo drama incl. The Satellites Are Spinning [Sun Ra] (9:17)
The Omniverse Jet Set Orchestra: Michael Ray-tp, voc; possibly Walter Miller-tp; Vincent Chancey-frn; Tony Bethel-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, kora; John Gilmore-ts, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, voc; Sun Ra-org, syn,p, voc; Skeeter McFarland, Taylor Richardson-eg; Richard Williams-b; Luqman Ali-d; June Tyson-voc, dance.
A first listening to this set leads me to think that it is taken from the marathon three concert series at the Detroit Jazz Center, 31 December 1980—1 January 1981 (T80.12.31). Data from CD, with corrections & annotations by Moudry 000308. Thanks to Rolf Kuettel for providing this.
95. Sun Ra
Dance of Innocent Passion
Saturn Sun Ra 1981
Side A:
Intensity (Ra)
Cosmo Energy (Ra)
Side B:
Dance of Innocent Passion (Ra)
Omnisonicism (Ra)
Ra-org, syn; Walter Miller-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Vincent Chancey-frh; Ray Draper-tuba (acc. to Michael Shore); Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Skeeter McFarland-eg; Taylor Richardson-eg; Richard Williams-b; Harry Wilson-vib; Damon Choice-vib; Luqman Ali-d; Reg McDonald-d; Eric "Samurai Celestial" Walker (acc. to Shore)-d; Atakatune (Stanley Morgan)-perc. Recorded live at the Squat Theater, New York, 1980.
[Stahl; location Michael Shore; Trent suspects that another trumpet player took the solo on Dance of Innocent Passion and that the same trumpet player is on the Brixton tape, T85.11]
Tommy Hunter says that Ray Draper worked with the Arkestra for about a year and that Samurai was the main drummer around this time.
96. Sun Ra
Oblique Parallax
(Journey Stars Beyond)
Saturn IX SR 72881 (1982)
Side A:
Oblique Parallax (Ra)
Vista Omniverse (Ra)
Celestial Realms (Ra)
Side B:
Journey Stars Beyond (Ra)
Ra-org, syn.
A live recording emphasizing Ra's keyboard. On Celestial Realms and the first part of Journey Stars Beyond, he is joined by Vincent Chancey-frh and Eric "Samurai" Walker-d. The middle section of Journey Stars Beyond has a cameo appearance by the Arkestra: Tony Bethel or Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-bcl; prob. Danny Ray Thompson-bs; poss. Hayes Burnett-b. Jazz Center Detroit, 7/28/1981 (location according to Vincent Chancey. Could, however, be from 12/80, when the band was "in residency" there.) [rlc]
97. Sun Ra and his Outer Space Arkestra
A Fireside Chat with Lucifer
Saturn Gemini 19841; A/B1984SG-9
matrix numbers Sun Ra 1984A/B
Side A:
Nuclear War (Ra)
Retrospect (Ra)
Makeup (Ra)
Side B:
A Fireside Chat with Lucifer (Ra)
Ra- p, keyb, voc on Nuclear War; Walter Miller-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb, voc on Nuclear War; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; James Jacson-bsn, perc; poss. Hayes Burnett or John Ore-b; prob. Eric Walker-d; Atakatune (Stanley Morgan)-cga; June Tyson-backing voc on Nuclear War. Variety Recording Studios, New York, 9/82.
[Personnel according to Chancey, except Tyrone Hill, referred to by name on Nuclear War; possibles suggested by Michael Shore; see also T82.9.24; June Tyson's presence on the title track was pointed out by Curtis Fukuda]
According to Danny Thompson, CBS Records expressed an interest in this material, but Nuclear War was too much for Dr. George Butler!
98. Sun Ra and his Outer Space Arkestra
Celestial Love
Saturn Gemini 19842; C/D1984SG-9 matrix numbers Sun Ra 1984C/D
Side A:
Celestial Love (Ra)
Sometimes I'm Happy (Caesar-Youmans)
Interstellarism (Insterstellar Low Ways) (Ra)
Blue Intensity (Ra)
Side B:
Sophisticated Lady (Carney-Ellington)
Nameless One #2 (Ra)
Nameless One #3 (Ra)
Smile (Chaplin)
Ra-p, keyb, org; Walter Miller-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, perc; poss. Hayes Burnett or John Ore-b; prob. Eric Walker-d; Atakatune (Stanley Morgan)-cga; June Tyson-voc on Smile and Sometimes I'm Happy. Variety Recording Studios, New York, 9/82. [rlc, with help from Chancey and Shore]
These are the last known studio sessions on Saturn.
99. Sun Ra
Nuclear War
Music Box SMB 40242 (Greece, LP and cassette)
Y RA 2 (Italy, LP, 1984)
Side A:
Nuclear War (Ra)
Retrospect (Ra)
Drop Me Off in Harlem (Ellington)
Sometimes I'm Happy (Caesar-Youmans)
Side B:
Celestial Love (Ra)
Blue Intensity (Ra)
Nameless One #2 (Ra)
Smile (Chaplin)
From the Variety Studios sessions of 9/82 (see previous two items). Y Records in England planned an album from these sessions -- to be titled Rays from the Outer Tomorrow -- but went out of business before it could be released. The same sequence of tracks appeared on this Greek LP and cassette licensed from Y Records and on the Italian Y release. Drop Me Off In Harlem is the only track not released on either Saturn. [Webber and Trent; thanks to Corbett for information on the Italian Y release]
100. Sun Ra
Ra to the Rescue
Saturn IX/1983-220
Side A:
Ra to the Rescue (Chapter 1) (Ra)
Ra to the Rescue (Chapter 2) (Ra)
Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra)
Side B:
When Lights are Dark (Ra)
They Plan to Leave (Ra)
Back Alley Blues (Ra)
Ra-p, syn, voc; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, voc; prob. Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; June Tyson-voc; prob. Hayes Burnett-b; poss. Eric "Samurai Celestial" Walker-d; unknown-perc. From a marathon concert, Squat Theater, New York, 1982.
[Personnel rlc, location Drusdow and Shore]
[Tracks A-2, A-3, B-2 also appear on When Spaceships Appear. —Moudry]
101. Sun Ra
Just Friends
Saturn XI (released 1983)
matrix numbers Saturn 1984A/B
Side A:
Dreams Come True (1956, from Deep Purple)
Back in your Own Backyard (1958, from Sound Sun Pleasure!!)
Otherness Blue (1969, from My Brother the Wind, vol. II)
Pleasant Twilight (likewise)
Walking on the Moon (ditto)
Side B:
Just Friends (Klenner-Lewis)
John Gilmore-ts; Ra-org; poss. John Ore-b; poss. Eric Walker-d. Recorded live, c. 1982.
Under the Spell of Love (Ra)
Marshall Allen-as; Ra-org; poss. Eric Walker-d. Recorded live, c. 1982.
Dancing Shadows (1966, from Nothing Is)
Attributions by rlc. I used to think Just Friends and Under the Spell of Love were from the 9/82 sessions, but the applause on Under the Spell and the absence of Variety's room echo on Just Friends (along with an abrupt, non-professionally edited ending) suggest otherwise. They do seem to be from the same period, though.
102. Sun Ra Arkestra
Sun Ra Arkestra Meets Salah Ragab in Egypt
Praxis CM 106 (1983)
Golden Years of New Jazz GY 1 (1999, CD)
Side A:
Egypt Strut (Ragab) (6:40)
Dawn (Ragab) (12:15)
Personnel: Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs [GY 1 states as]; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)-bcl; James Jacson-bsn; Sun Ra-keyb, Hohner melodica; Eric "Samurai Celestial" Walker [from GY 1], Chris Henderson, Claude Broche, unidentified [GY 1]-d; Salah Ragab-cga. El Nahar Studio, Heliopolis (!), Cairo, May, 1983. [Album jacket; side B is by Salah Ragab and the Cairo Jazz Band] [With variations from the CD reissue [Hartmut Geerken] as noted -jlm, 010712]
CD reissue only:
Watusa (Dotson, Sun Ra) (18:15)
Personnel: Ronnie Brown-tp, perc; Marshall Allen-as, kora, perc; Eloe Omoe-as, perc; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, perc; Sun Ra-org; Rollo Radford-[e]b; Clifford Jarvis, Salah Ragab-d; James Jacson-Ancient Egyptian Infinity drum, perc; Matthew Brown-cga; Myriam Broche, Gregory P. Pratt-dance. Il Capo Jazz Club, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, 13 January 1984. [information from GY 1. GY 1 also contains three tracks by Salah Ragab's orchestra (Ramadam, Oriental Mood (small group), & A Farewell Theme) and Music for Angela Davis (another Birmingham native) by the Cairo Free Jazz Ensemble. -jlm, 010712]
103. Sun Ra
(Stars that Shine Darkly, vol. 1)
Saturn 10-11-85 (1985)
matrix Sun Ra 11-83 A/B
Side A:
Stars That Shine Darkly (Ra) (part 1)
Ra- p; with the Sun Ra All Stars: Lester Bowie-tp; Don Cherry-tp; Archie Shepp-ss, ts; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; prob. Eloe Omoe-bcl; Richard Davis-b; Philly Joe Jones-d; Clifford Jarvis-d. Live in Montreux, Switzerland, early 11/83.
[Ted Panken on WKCR, via Fitzgerald; presence of bass clarinet noted by Trent]
Side B:
Hiroshima (Ra)
Sun Ra-pipe org. Live, most likely in Europe, 11/83. [rlc]
104. Sun Ra
Outer Reach Intensity-Energy
(Stars that Shine Darkly, vol. 2)
Saturn Gemini 9-1213-85 (1985)
Side A:
Outer Reach Intensity-Energy (Ra)
Cosmos Rendezvous (Ra)
Barbizon (Ra)
The Double That... (Ra)
The Ever Is... (Ra)
Ra-org; Ahmed Abdullah-tp (on Cosmos Rendezvous); Michael Ray-tp; poss. Fred Adams, Al Evans, Martin Banks, or Ronnie Brown-tp; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, modified bsn (on The Ever Is...); 2 unknown-d. Probably recorded 1984. Abdullah was in the band during the July 1984 tour; otherwise he would have played with the Arkestra only in the New York area. [rlc with corrections by Trent]
Side B:
Stars That Shine Darkly... (Ra) (part 2)
Ra-p; with the Sun Ra All Stars: Lester Bowie-tp; Don Cherry-tp; Archie Shepp-ss, ts; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; prob. Eloe Omoe-bcl; Richard Davis-b; Philly Joe Jones-d; Clifford Jarvis-d. Live at Montreux, early 11/83.
[Ted Panken on WKCR, via Fitzgerald; bass clarinet noted by Trent]
105. Sun Ra and his Arkestra
Love in Outer Space: Live in Utrecht
Leo LR-154 (1988, LP and CD)
Side A:
D. 27 (Discipline 27) (Ra) (6:00)
'Round Midnight (Hanighen-Monk-Williams) (8:40)
Fate In A Pleasant Mood (Ra) (10:50)
Side B:
Blues Ra (Ra) (4:45)
Love In Outer Space/Space Is The Place (Ra) (19:50)
CD also includes:
Along Came Ra (Ra)
Big John's Special (H. Henderson)
Ra-p, keyb, voc; Michael Ray-tp; Ronnie Brown-tp, flg, perc; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, cl, voc; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Thompson-bs, fl; poss. Wilbur Little-b; poss. Don Mumford-d, perc; poss. Matthew Brown-cga; June Tyson-voc. Utrecht, Netherlands, 12/11/83.
[Personnel rlc, date and location on jacket]
Along Came Ra is part of an instrumental introduction; the familiar vocal ditty is not included. Tyson sings on Space Is the Place only.
106. The Sun Ra Arkestra
Live at Praxis 84 Vol. I
Praxis CM 108 (1984)
Side A:
untitled improvisation (featuring Jacson and Omoe)
Children of the Sun (Ra)
Nuclear War (Ra)
untitled blues (Ra)
Side B:
Fate In A Pleasant Mood (Ra)
Yeah, Man! (Sissle-Henderson)
Space Is The Place/We Travel The Spaceways (Ra)
[tracks not listed, identifications by rlc and Fitzgerald]
Ra-p, org, syn, voc; Ronnie Brown-tp, flg, tambourine; Marshall Allen-as, EVI Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, fl; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, as, fl, bgo; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Infinity Drum, vocal; Rollo Radford-electric standup b; Matthew Brown-cga; Don Mumford-d, perc; Salah Ragab-perc; Myriam Broch-dance; Greg Pratt-dance. Orpheus Theater, Athens, Greece, 2/27/84.
[Album jacket with corrections by Fitzgerald]
107. The Sun Ra Arkestra
Live at Praxis 84 Vol. II
Praxis CM 109 (1985)
Side A:
untitled improvisation (Marshall Allen-kora)
untitled improvisation (EVIs)
Discipline 27 (featuring Gilmore) (Ra)
Side B:
Mack the Knife (Jacson and Ra-vocal) (Brecht-Weill-Blitzstein)
Cocktails for Two (duet by Allen and Ra) (Coslow-Johnston)
Over the Rainbow (piano solo) (Harburg-Arlen)
Satin Doll (featuring Gilmore) (Ellington-Mercer)
[track identifications by rlc]
Ra-p, org, syn, voc; Ronnie Brown-tp, flg, tambourine; Marshall Allen-as, cl, fl, ob, kora, EVI; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl, fl, EVI; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales, EVI, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, as, fl, bgo, EVI; James Jacson-bsn, fl, ob, Infinity Drum, EVI, vocal; Rollo Radford-electric standup b; Matthew Brown-cga; Don Mumford-d, perc; Salah Ragab-perc; Myriam Broch-dance; Greg Pratt-dance. Orpheus Theater, Athens, Greece, 2/27/84. [Album jacket]
108. The Sun Ra Arkestra
Live at Praxis 84 Vol. III
Praxis CM 110 (1986)
Side A:
Big John's Special (H. Henderson)
Egyptian Fantasy (Ra)
Days of Wine and Roses (Mancini)
Side B:
Theme of the Stargazers/Satellites Are Spinning (Ra)
They'll Come Back (Ra)
Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra)
Strange Mathematic Rhythmic Equations (Ra)
[track identifications by rlc]
Ra-p. org, syn, voc; Ronnie Brown-tp, flg, tambourine; Marshall Allen-as, cl, fl, ob, kora, EVI; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl, fl, EVI; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales, EVI, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, as, fl, bgo, EVI; James Jacson-bsn, fl, ob, Infinity Drum, EVI, voc; Rollo Radford-electric standup b; Matthew Brown-cga; Don Mumford-d, perc; Salah Ragab-perc. (and Myriam Broch-dance; Greg Pratt-dance -- not that you can hear them) Orpheus Theater, Athens, Greece, 2/27/84. [Album jacket]
109. Sun Ra
When Spaceships Appear
(Cosmo-Party Blues)
(Children of the Sun)
Saturn Sun Ra 101485 A/B (1985)
Side A:
When Spaceships Appear (Ra to the Rescue Chapter 1)
Fragile Emotions Blues (Back Alley Blues)
lifted from Ra to the Rescue
Drummerlistics (Ra)
Children Of The Sun (Ra)
Ra-voc; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-contra-alto cl; James Jacson-Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum (on Drummerlistics); unknown-b; unknown-d; June Tyson-voc. Live, probably recorded 1984 or 1985. [rlc]
Side B:
Cosmo-Party Blues (Ra)
Ra-p; poss. Ronnie Brown, Martin Banks, or Fred Adams-tp; John Gilmore-ts; Marshall Allen-as; unknown-b; unknown-d. Live, probably recorded 1984 or 1985.
Space Shuttle (Ra to the Rescue chapter 2)
Fate In A Pleasant Mood
They Plan To Leave
lifted from Ra to the Rescue [rlc]
110. Sun Ra and the Arkestra
Cosmo Sun Connection
Saturn / Recommended SRRRD 1 (1985)
Recommended ReR SR1 (1997 CD) [-Moudry]
Side A:
Fate In A Pleasant Mood (Ra) [12:09]
Cosmo Journey Blues (Ra) [6:13]
Side B:
Cosmo Sun Connection (Ra) [3:46]
Cosmonaut Astronaut Rendezvous (Ra) [3:29]
As Space Ships Approach (Ra) [2:36]
Pharaoh's Den (Ra) [2:58]
[total playing time of CD: 31:11]
Ra-p, syn, keyb; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; poss. Rollo Radford-electric standup b; poss. Avriyel Ra (Avreeayl Ra Amen)-d; poss. Atakatune (Stanely Morgan)-cga. Live recording, 1984.
This is strictly conjecture, but my guess is that this LP dates from late 1984. The lineup is not that of the late 1983–early 1984 European tour or of the June mini-tour, and the new personnel found on performances from July to September are not here either. The lineup is also quite different from that of the 6/1/84 Philadelphia concert. [rlc]
From the notes of the CD reissue:
Sun Ra & His Arkestra: Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; Danny Ray Thompson-b [sic, sb bcl], fl; Sun Ra-p, syn, org; poss. Rollo Radford-eb; poss. Atakatune-cga; unidentified-d.
"Back in the late 70s and early 80s Recommended imported a great numbers of Saturn Records to Europe. The Arkestra would press them up to order and then I'd collect when I was in New York. We always paid in full and in advance to cover their pressing costs. Then came an occasion when there was nothing to collect; the Arkestra had urgently needed money and ours had been there – so they had spent it. I could hardly be angry – keeping the Arkestra afloat was a miracle at the best of times – but Recommended was also poor and such a loss was not really sustainable for us. In a spirit of generous compromise, Sun Ra gave us, in lieu of the unpressed LPs, the Cosmo Sun Connection mastertape, which we released in a small edition in 1985. This is the first time that this legandary recording has been widely available.
"Money from this CD will be given directly to the Arkestra, whose work it is and who gave it to us."
Chris Cutler
Recorded USA 1984.
[The above was transcribed from the note card accompanying the CD. –Moudry, who added the emphasis on part of the last paragraph, 29 January 1998.]
111. John Cage Meets Sun Ra
John Cage Meets Sun Ra
Meltdown MPA-1 (1987)
Side A:
John Cage Meets Sun Ra (Cage-Ra)
Side B:
John Cage Meets Sun Ra (Cage-Ra) (cont.)
Alternates performances by Sun Ra-Yamaha DX-7; and John Cage-voc. Sideshows by the Sea, Coney Island, NY, 6/8/86. [Album jacket plus Andrejko]
Sideshows by the Sea was the last surviving freak show along the Coney Island boardwalk. Ra and Cage's appearance was duly announced by the barker outside. Other portions of this concert, which included Pharaoh Abdullah processing and dancing, and Ra and Cage performing together, may have been recorded but haven't been issued.
[rlc, from liner notes, corrected by Bill Andrejko]
112. Le Sun Ra and his Cosmo Discipline Arkestra
A Night In East Berlin
Saturn cassette, no number (1986; track 1 only)
Leo LR149 (1987; LP; track 1 only)
Leo LR149 (1987; CD)
Leo CD LR 149 (1995; CD: see 112A.)
1. A Night in East Berlin
Mystic Prophecy (Ra)
Beyond the Wilderness Of Shadows (Ra)
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington)
Space is the Place/We Travel the Spaceways (Ra)
Interstellar Low Ways (Ra)
Shadow World (Ra)
Rocket Number Nine (Ra)
[tracks courtesy Danny Ray Thompson on WKCR]
Ra-p, org, syn, keyb, voc- Tyrone Hill-tb; Laurdine "Pat" Patrick-as; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, timbales, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, bongos; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Bruce Edwards-g; Rollo Radford-eb; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Live at the Friedrichstadtpalast, East Berlin, 6/28/86. [CD leaflet, corrected by rlc]
2. Images (Ra)
Ra-org; Vincent Chancey-frh; unknown-d. Probably France, early 1980s. [rlc; last three tracks credited to IACP (Institute for Artistic and Cultural Perception), an outfit run by Alan Silva that is mentioned in the credits to the 1984 French video Mystery, Mr. Ra]
3. Love In Outer Space (Ra)
4. I'll Never Be The Same (Kahn-Malneck-Signorelli) / Space Is The Place (Ra)
Ra-org, syn, voc; unknown-tp; Pat Patrick-as; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; unknown-b; unknown-d; unknown-cga; unknown-perc; June Tyson-voc. Live concert, probably in France, 1985. I'll Never Be the Same is not listed on the label. [rlc]
I was involved with Leo in one of the releases of A Night in East Berlin: working out what was on some of the tapes which had become entangled with the various issues, and writing liner notes.
Originally A Night in East Berlin was a Saturn cassette, sold at gigs by the Arkestra. In the late 1980s Leo Records did a deal with Sun Ra, and released it as an LP, somewhat re-edited, but without additional material.
When it became time for a CD issue, Leo for chose to add as a filler part of another Sun Ra tape they had purchased earlier. Later still, Leo decided that this other tape would make a good release in its own right, and issued it complete as A Quiet Place in the Universe: it is a recording from around 1977, an unedited section of a concert performance which includes two Sun Ra compositions not available anywhere else on CD or LP.
This release of A Quiet Place meant that Leo at that point had a Sun Ra CD on the market which partially duplicated the East Berlin CD. Their response to this was to issue a different A Night in East Berlin on CD, keeping the same catalogue number as the old one(!), but replacing the music from the A Quiet Place session with another filler titled My Brothers the Wind & Sun No 9. This new filler had, for some strange reason, been sold to Leo as "recorded in Europe in 1990", but it turned out really to come from one of the Hidden Fire Saturn LPs, recorded in New York in 1988 — the very last Saturn releases.
So there exist one Saturn and three Leo editions of A Night in East Berlin, all of which differ from each other in some way! That's not quite the end of the story, however: the concert was also broadcast, unedited, on East German TV in 1988, as two 45 minute shows. It would make a superb video release — the music really gains extra impact in that format — but sadly, I'm not aware that anyone has plans for a video issue of it.
—Chris Trent
112A.Sun Ra and his Cosmo Discipline Arkestra
A Night In East Berlin / My brothers the wind & sun n.9
Leo CD LR 149 (1995; CD)
Mystic Prophecy [Sun Ra] (10:11)
Beyond the Wilderness of Shadows [Sun Ra] (2:22)
Prelude to a Kiss [Duke Ellington] (2:58)
Space Is the Place [Sun Ra] / We Travel the Spaceways [Sun Ra] (3:28)
Interstellar Low Ways [Sun Ra] (8:24)
The Shadow World [Sun Ra] (9:04)
Rocket Number Nine [Sun Ra] (1:44)
Tyrone Hill-tb; Pat Patrick-as; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts, perc, voc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, bgo; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Sun Ra-p, org, syn, voc; Bruce Wdwards-eb; Buster Smith-d. Friedrichstadtpalast, Berlin, Germany, 28 June 1986. [All information from CD]
My Brothers the Wind and Sun N. 9 [Sun Ra] (20:49)
Michael Ray, Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Danny Ray Thompson, Kenny Williams-bs; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, cacl; Sun Ra-syn; Billy Bang, Owen Brown, Jr.-vln; June Tyson-vln, voc; John Ore-b; Buster Smith, possibly Luqman Ali-d; possibly Pharaoh Abdullah-perc; Art Jenkins-voc. Knitting Factory, NYC, 30 January 1988 (? or possibly somewhere in Europe, 1990). [All data from CD. Added by Moudry 010801.]
113. Sun Ra Arkestra
Reflections in Blue
Black Saint 101, 120 101 (1987, LP and CD)
Side A:
State Street Chicago (Ra) (7:52)
Nothin' from Nothin' (Patrick) (4:24)
Yesterdays (Kern-Harbach) (7:46)
Side B:
Say It isn't So (Berlin) (6:11)
I Dream Too Much (Kern) (5:03)
Reflections in Blue (Ra) (8:20) (not the 1957 piece)
Ra-p, syn, voc (on I Dream Too Much); Randall Murray-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Pat Patrick-as, cl; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, picc; Danny Ray Thompson-as, bs, fl, bgo; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)-as, acl, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Ronald Wilson-ts; Carl LeBlanc-eg; Tyler Mitchell- b; Thomas Hunter-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Recorded at Jingle Machine Studio, Milano, Italy, 12/18-19/86. [CD flyer]
The swing side of Ra. Probably the best recording job the Arkestra has ever had, too. [rlc and Jerry Bulyk]
114. Sun Ra Arkestra
Hours After
Black Saint 120 111 (1990, LP and CD)
But Not for Me (Gershwin) (5:58)
Hours After (Ra, not the Turner-Ra piece from 1958) (8:42)
Beautiful Love (Gillespie) (4:59)
Dance of the Extra Terrestrians (Ra) (13:21)
Love on a Far Away Planet (Ra) (10:05)
Ra-p, syn, voc (on Beautiful Love); Randall Murray-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Pat Patrick-as, cl; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, picc; Danny Ray Thompson-as, bs, fl, bgo; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)-as, acl, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Ronald Wilson-ts; Carl LeBlanc-eg; Tyler Mitchell-b; Thomas Hunter-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Recorded at Jingle Machine Studio, Milano, Italy, 12/18-19/86. ]CD leaflet]
Danny Thompson says he mixed some of the tracks from this session.
115. Sun Ra Arkestra
Bratislava Jazz Days 1987
Opus 9115 2080-81 (LP)
Side A:
2. Limehouse Blues (Braham-Furber) (3:32) (mislabeled as We Travel the Spaceways!)
Fred Adams-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; Pat Patrick-as; Danny Ray Thompson-as, bs; John Gilmore-ts, cl, voc; James Jacson-fl, bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)as, bcl, contra-alto cl; Danny Davis-as, fl; Kenny Williams-ts, bs; Sun Ra-p, keyb, voc; Robert A. Williams-space instruments; Oscar Fleming Brown-b; Earl C. (Buster) Smith-d; June Tyson-dance; Judith A. Holton-dance; Cheryl Banks-dance; Greg Pratt-dance; Darrell Brown-dance. [Trent; personnel taken from a "publicity handout for this German tour; no guarantees who was there on the night"; Pleshar has Ahmed Abdullah and Michael Ray on tp, but Abdullah says he doesn't remember the performance]
June Tyson can be seen in the sleeve photo but does not sing on this track. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 10/23-25/87.
[thanks to Chris Trent for catching wind of this obscure album and to Ralph Pleshar for tracking it down; date from album jacket
A two-LP collection with excerpts from many Czech bands, Billy Cobham, Mike Brecker, John Abercrombie, ensembles from Sweden, Poland, Hungary and the USSR. [Pleshar; album also listed in Lord]
116. Sun Ra
Hidden Fire 1
Saturn Sun Ra 13188III/12988II (1988, LP)
Side A:
Retrospect/This World Is Not My Home (Ra)
Side B:
unidentified improvisation
unidentified blues
Sun Ra-syn, org, voc; Michael Ray-tp; poss. Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; prob. Kenny Williams-bs; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Billy Bang-vln; Owen Brown, Jr.-vln; June Tyson-vln, voc; Art Jenkins-voc incl. space voice; John Ore-b; poss. Luqman Ali-d; Buster Smith-d; poss. Pharaoh Abdullah-perc. Knitting Factory, New York, 1/29 and 31/88. [personnel rlc and Drusdow; thanks to Ralph Pleshar for a tape; location Drusdow]
117. Sun Ra
Hidden Fire 2
Saturn Sun Ra 13088A/12988B (1988, LP)
Side A:
unknown title
Side B:
unknown title
unknown title
Sun Ra-syn, org; Michael Ray-tp; poss. Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; prob. Kenny Williams-bs; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; James Jacson- bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Owen Brown, Jr.-vln; Billy Bang-vln; June Tyson-vln, voc; Art Jenkins-voc incl. space voice; prob. John Ore-b; poss. Luqman Ali-d; Buster Smith-d; poss. Pharaoh Abdullah-perc. Knitting Factory, New York, 1/29 and 30/88. [rlc and Drusdow]
The two Hidden Fires are the last new Saturn releases (some items from the 70s and 80s were re-pressed by Blast First and were sold at concerts till 1992). These two LPs are extremely confusing. They were initially issued without labels. Labeled copies sometimes have the wrong volume numbers. Labels do not give track titles, either. Amidst the confusion, I used to list a Hidden Fire 3/4 (matrix number 12988II/13188I) but Webber, Trent, and Kruempelmann all agree that purported copies turn out be identical with Hidden Fire 1.
118. Various Artists
Stay Awake
A&M AMA3918 (LP)
Pink Elephants on Parade
Ra-p; Fred Adams-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Martin Banks-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as, fl; John Gilmore-ts; Eloe Omoe-bcl, as; Kenny Williams-bs; James Jacson-bsn; Owen Brown Jr.-vln; Bruce Edwards-eg; Pat Patrick-eb; Tommy Hunter-d; Buster Smith-d; Avreeayl Ra Amen-d; Art Jenkins-voc; T.C.III-voc. Variety Studios, New York, 1988. [Jacket via Kruempelmann; not the 7/5/88 session -- see tapeography]
A collection of songs from Walt Disney movies.
119. Sun Ra Arkestra
Cosmo Omnibus Imagiable Illusion: Live at Pit-Inn
DIW 824 (1988-CD)
DIW 8024 (LP)
DIWP 2 (LP picture disk, limited edition of <1000 p="">Introduction -- Cosmo Approach Prelude (Ra) (7:29)
Angel Race -- I'll Wait for You (Ra) (7:18)
Can You Take It? (Fletcher Henderson) (3:14)
If You Came from Nowhere Here (Egyptian Fantasy) (Ra) (10:27)
Astro Black (Ra) (11:23)
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington) (5:11)
Why Was I Born? (Kern) (5:57)
Interstellar Lo Ways (s.b. Low Ways) (Ra) (7:23)
Ra-p, syn, voc; Michael Ray-tp, voc (on Why Was I Born); Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as; John Gilmore-ts, timbales; Danny Thompson-bs; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)-as, bcl, contra-alto cl; June Tyson-vln, voc (on Astro Black); Bruce Edwards-eg; Rollo Radford-eb; Eric Walker-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Live at Pit-Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 8/8/88. [CD leaflet; thanks to John Szwed for info about the picture disk].
119A. Sun Ra
Somewhere Else
Rounder 3036 (CD, 1993)
Zensor ZS 136 (German CD, 1993)
Priest(Ra) (4:01)
Julian Priester-tb; Sun Ra-keyb; John Ore-b; Jaribu Shahid (Ben Henderson)-b; Billy Higgins-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Variety Recording Studios, New York. Recorded 12/5/88.
Discipline/Tall Trees in the Sun (Ra) (8:26)
'SWonderful (Gershwin) (5:32)
Hole in the Sky (Ra) (7:31)
Somewhere Else Part 1 (Ra) (8:38)
Somewhere Else Part 2 (Ra) (2:41)
Stardust from Tomorrow (Ra) (4:56)
Ra-p, syn; Don Cherry-pocket tp; Fred Adams-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Jothan Callins-tp; Al Evans-tp, flg; Tyrone Hill-tb; Julian Priester-tb; Reynold Scott-bs, fl; James Spaulding-as, fl; Marshall Allen-as, fl, perc; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Rollo Radford-eb; John Ore-b; June Tyson-voc, vln; Earl C. "Buster" Smith-d; Eric "Samurai" Walker-d; Thomas "Bugs" Hunter-d; Elson Nascimento-surdo, perc; Jorge Silva-repinique, perc. BMG Studios, New York, 11/89.
Love in Outer Space (Ra) (12:01)
Sun Ra-p, syn; Fred Adams-tp; Tommy Turrentine-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Al Evans-flg, frh; Tyrone Hill-tb; Julian Priester-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, cl in A; Noel Scott-as, per; John Gilmore-ts, cl, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl, bgo; Eloe Omoe-bcl, as, contra-alto cl, perc; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Bruce Edwards-eg; Carl LeBlanc-eg (all solos); John Ore-b; Billy Higgins-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d; Elson Nascimento-perc. Variety Recording Studios, New York. Recorded 12/5/88.
Everything Is Space (Ra) (3:57)
As above, except add Jaribu Shahid (Ben Henderson)-voc; Tani Tabbal-voc. Variety Recording Studios, New York. Recorded 12/5/88.
Tristar (Ra) (3:31)
Ra-p; John Ore-b; Jaribu Shahid (Ben Henderson)-b; Billy Higgins-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d. Variety Recording Studios, New York. Recorded 12/5/88.
Outtakes from the A&M sessions, produced by John Snyder. There are two parts to Somewhere Else because the tape ran out [CD leaflet].
120. Sun Ra
Blue Delight
A&M CD 5260 (1989, CD)
Blue Delight (Ra) (11:10)
Out of Nowhere (Green-Heyman) (5:26)
Sunrise (Ra) (11:48)
They Dwell on Other Planes (Ra) (14:41)
Gone with the Wind (Magidson-Wrubel) (5:51)
Your Guest is as Good as Mine (Ra) (5:53)
Nashira (Julian Priester) (4:09)
Days of Wine and Roses (Mancini) (6:58)
Sun Ra-p, syn; Fred Adams-tp; Tommy Turrentine-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Al Evans-flg, frh; Tyrone Hill-tb; Julian Priester-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, cl in A; Noel Scott-as, perc; John Gilmore-ts, cl, perc; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl, bongos; Eloe Omoe-bcl, as, contra-alto cl, perc; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Bruce Edwards-eg; Carl LeBlanc-eg (all solos); John Ore-b; Billy Higgins-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d; Elson Nascimento-perc. Variety Recording Studios, New York. Recorded 12/5/88. [CD leaflet]
Also released as an LP with the same tracks, except Nashira was moved to the 4th position, at the end of Side A. [Fligelstone]
120A. Sun Ra & His Intergalaxtic Arkestra
Second Star to the Right: (Salute to Walt Disney)
Leo LR 230 (CD, 1995)
1. The Forest of No Return [Bruns, Leven] (5:37)
2. Some Day My Prince Will Come [Churchill, Morey] (7:53)
3. 'Frisco Bay [Carr, Roberts] (3:19)
4. I'm wishing [Churchill, Morey] (10:17)
5. Zip a Dee Doo Dah [Allio, Wrubel, Gilbret] (7:26)
6. Second Star to the Right [Fain, Cahn] (9:57)
7. High Ho! High Ho! [Churchill, Morey] (9:06)
8. Whistle While You Work [Chuchill, Morey] (9:06) [total time: 64:13]
Sun Ra & His Intergalaxtic Arkestra: Michael Ray-tp, voc; Tyrone Hill, Julian Priester-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, cl; Noel Scott-as, fl; Eloe Omoe-as, cl, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, ob, voc; Sun Ra-p, syn, voc; Bruce Edwards-eg; Arthur Joonie Booth-eb; Earl "Buster" Smith-d; Nelson Nascimento Santos-surdo, perc; June Tyson-vln, voc. Recorded live at Jazzatelier, Ulrichsberg, Austria, 29 April 1989. This is from the same concert as Stardust from Tomorrow, item 120B (beneath). [–Data from CD leaflet. Added to the Discography 3 April 1998 by Moudry]
120B. Sun Ra & His Intergalaxtic Arkestra
Stardust from Tomorrow
Leo LR 235 / 236 (CD, 1996)
Disc 1:
1. Mystery Intro [Sun Ra] (18:07)
2. Untitled I [Sun Ra] (7:30)
3. Blue Lou [Edgar Sampson] (5:52)
4. Prelude in A Major, Op. 28, No. 7 [F. Chopin] (9:38)
5. Untitled II [Sun Ra] (6:20) [total time for disc: 47:27]
Disc 2:
1. Discipline 27 [Sun Ra] / I'll Wait for You [Sun Ra] (18:16)
2. Queer Notions [Coleman Hawkins] (2:49)
3. Back Alley Blues [Sun Ra] (9:56)
4. Prelude to a Kiss [Duke Ellington] (4:54)
5. Stardust from Tomorrow [Sun Ra] (3:11)
6. Yeah Man! [Noble Sissle, Fletcher Henderson] (3:22)
7. We Travel the Spaceways / Outer Spaceways, Inc / Rocket No. 9 Take Off for the Planet Venus / Second Stop Is Jupiter / Saturn Rings [all: Sun Ra] (8:40) [total time for disc: 51:08; total time for the two disc set: 1:55:21]
Sun Ra & His Intergalactic Arkestra: Michael Ray-tp, voc; Tyrone Hill, Julian Priester-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, cl; Noel Scott-as, fl; Eloe Omoe-as, cl, bcl; James Jacson-bsn, ob, voc; Sun Ra-p, syn, voc; Bruce Edwards-eg; Arthur Joonie Booth-eb; Earl "Buster" Smith-d; Nelson Nascimento Santos-surdo, perc; June Tyson-vln, voc. Recorded live at Jazzatelier, Ulrichsberg, Austria, 29 April 1989. This is from the same concert as Second Star to the Right, item 120A (above). The original sequence of the material in 120A & 120B is unknown. [–Data from CD leaflet. Added to the Discography 3 April 1998 by Moudry]
121. Sun Ra
Purple Night
A&M 75021 5324 2 (1990, CD)
Journey towards Stars (Ra) (3:44)
Friendly Galaxy (Ra) (7:43)
Love in Outer Space (Ra) (7:12)
Stars Fell on Alabama (Parrish-Perkins) (10:27)
Of Invisible Them (Ra) (19:08)
Neverness (Ra) (13:16)
Purple Night Blues (Ra) (4:02)
Ra-p, syn, voc; Don Cherry-pocket tp; Fred Adams-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Jothan Callins-tp; Al Evans-tp, flg; Tyrone Hill-tb; Julian Priester-tb; Reynold Scott-bs, fl; James Spaulding-as, fl; Marshall Allen-as, fl, perc; John Gilmore-ts, perc, voc; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Rollo Radford-eb; John Ore-b; June Tyson-voc, vln; Earl C. "Buster" Smith-d; Eric "Samurai" Walker-d; Thomas "Bugs" Hunter-d; Elson Nascimento-surdo, perc; Jorge Silva-repinique, perc. BMG Studios, New York, 11/89. [CD leaflet; Hunter misrendered as Henderson!]
122. Sun Ra And His Year 2000 Myth Science Arkestra
Live in London 1990
Blast First BFFP 60 (1990)
CD or box of 3 10" LPs Blast First BFFP60CD (1996; CD [Moudry])
Side A:
Frisco (Frisco Fog) (Carr-Roberts)
Shadow World (Ra)
Side B:
For the Blue People (Ra)
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington)
Side C:
Down Here on the Ground (Lalo Schifrin-Gale Garnett)
Side D:
Blue Delight (Ra)
Side E:
Cosmo Song (Face the Music) (Ra)
Side F:
Space Chants (Space is the Place/We Travel the Spaceways/ Next Stop Mars/ Saturn Rings/ On Jupiter/ 2nd Stop is Jupiter/ Destination Unknown) (Ra)
Ra-p, syn, voc; Michael Ray-tp, voc; Ahmed Abdullah-tp, voc; Jothan Callins-tp; Chris Capers-tp, flg; Tyrone Hill-tb, voc; Marshall Allen-as, EVI, fl; Noel Scott-as, perc; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; June Tyson-vln, voc; John Ore-b; Buster Smith-d; Clifford Barbaro-d; Elson Nascimento-perc; Ron McBee-perc; Jorge Silva-perc; Kwasi Asare-perc. Plus ensemble vocals. Mean Fiddler, Harlesden, London, 6/11/90.
[Webber with corrections by Abdullah; thanks to Jeff Crompton for correct composer credit on Down Here, a late 60s pop tune, and to Steve Fligelstone for a tape and label information from the LP set]
This LP set and CD were advertised as a special limited edition and offered to subscribers of Wire magazine. Some copies nonetheless made it into record stores as far afield as Athens, Georgia!
123. Various Artists
Beets: A Collection of Jazz Songs
Elemental/TEC 90901 (1990, LP)
Elemental/TEC 90902 (1992, CD)
4. Egyptian Fantasy (Ra) (13:06)*
* the LP version of this track has been edited down to less than 4 minutes!
Sun Ra and the Arkestra: Ra-p, syn; Michael Ray-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; prob. Noel Scott-as; John Gilmore-ts, perc; James Jacson-bsn, perc; unknown-b; poss. Buster Smith-d; unknown-perc. Live concert in Europe, maybe Sweden or Switzerland, 1989 or 1990. [rlc]
[thanks to Robert Iannapollo for a complete tape; to Szwed for label information; to Steve Fligelstone, Jim Johnson, and Malcolm Humes for identifying the discrepancy between LP and CD versions; to Tom Timony for location information]
Besides the LP version, this collection was sold as a cassette encased in what appeared to be a can of... beets. [Malcolm Humes] Other artists were Fred Frith, Club Foot Orchestra, Peter Fair, ROVA, Machete Ensemble of San Francisco, Tom Cora, Anthony Braxton, Gino Robair, Eric Drew Feldman, Snakefinger, B. Singer, Sonny Simmons, Winston Tong, and Big Butter. [Jim Johnson]
124. Sun Ra Arkestra
Mayan Temples
Black Saint 120 121-2 (1992, CD)
Dance of the Language Barrier (Ra) (3:58)
Bygone (Ra) (5:15)
Discipline No. 1 (Ra) (4:57)
Alone Together (Dietz-Schwartz) (7:02)
Prelude to Stargazers (Ra) (5:17)
Mayan Temples (Ra) (7:40)
I'll Never Be The Same (Kahn-Malneck-Signorelli) (4:57)
Stardust from Tomorrow (Ra) (3:38)
El Is the Sound Of Joy (Ra) (5:26)
Time after Time (Cahn-Styne) (4:21)
Opus in Springtime (Ra) (6:41)
Theme on (of) the Stargazers (Ra) (14:09)
Sunset on the Night on the River Nile (Sunset on the Nile) (Ra) (5:42)
Ra-p, syn; Michael Ray-tp, voc; Ahmed Abdullah-tp, voc; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen, as, fl; Noel Scott-as; John Gilmore-ts, timbales; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; June Tyson-voc; Jothan Callins-b, eb; Clifford Barbaro-d; Earl "Buster" Smith-d; Ron McBee-cga, perc; Jorge Silva-perc; Elson Nascimento-surdo, perc. Mondial Sound, Milano, Italy, 7/24-25/1990. [CD leaflet]
125. Sun Ra and his Arkestra with Symphony Orchestra
Leo LR210/211 (1993, CD)
Disk 1:
Pleiades (Ra) (15:49)
Mythic 1 (Ra) (16:34)
Friendly Galaxy (Ra) (17:44)
Disk 2:
Sun Procession (Ra) (13:05)
Lights on a Satellite (Ra) (6:26)
Love in Outer Space (Ra) (6:55)
Planet Earth Day (Egyptian Fantasy) (Ra) (10:00)
Mythic 2 (7:55)
Blue Lou (Sampson) (5:30)
Prelude #7 in A major (Chopin) (7:50)
Michael Ray-tp; Jothan Callins-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob; John Gilmore-ts, perc; Noel Scott-as, bcl; Charles Davis-bs; James Jacson-ob, bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Le Sony'r Ra (Sun Ra)-p, keyb; India Cooke-vln; Stephen "Kash" Killion-clo; John Ore-b; Clifford Barbaro-d; Earl C. "Buster" Smith-d; Elson Dos Santos Nascimento-perc; Talvin Singh-tabla; June Tyson-voc, vln. Symphony orchestra (players not named) contains: 3 vln; 1 b; 3 fl; 2 as; 1 ts; 1 English horn; 1 bsn; 3 tp; 1 tb; 1 Frh; 1 tymp; 1 perc. Paris, 10/27/90. [CD leaflet, corrected by Trent; an advertisement reproduced in the leaflet mentions a live appearance with orchestra scheduled for Orleans on 10/27/90 -- that must be why Ra was so tired!]
Note: Planet Earth Day was used by Sun Ra as another title for Mythic 1. Leo mislabeled the track. [Trent]
125A. Sun Ra & the Year 2000 Myth Science Arkestra
Live at the Hackney Empire
Leo LR 214/215 (CD, 1994)
Disc 1:
Astro Black (Ra) [18:18]
Other Voices (Ra) [12:12]
Planet Earth Day (Ra) [11:57}
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington) [4:50]
Hocus Pocus (Will Hudson) [3:38]
Love in Outer Space (Ra) [6:44]
Blue Lou (Edgar Sampson) [5:02]
Face the Music (Ra) [10:04]
Disc 2:
String Singhs (Ra) / Discipline 27-II (Ra) / I'll Wait for You (Ra) [12:56]
East of the Sun (Bowman) [3:36]
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen, Yip Harberg) [9:37]
'Frisco Fog (Carr, Roberts) [3:14]
Sunset on the Nile (Ra) [12:05]
Skimming and Loping (Ra) [9:29]
Yeah, Man! (Henderson, Sissle) [3:15]
We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) [12:30]
They'll Come Back (Ra) [7:12]
Sun Ra and the Year 200 Myth Science Arkestra: Michael Ray-tp, voc; Jothan Callins-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, picc, ob; Noel Scott-as, bcl; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timb, voc; Charles Davis-bs; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Sun Ra-p, keyb, voc; India Cooke-vln; Kash Kilion-clo; John Ore-b; Earl "Buster" Smith, Clifford Barbaro-d; Talvin Singh-tabla, voc; Elson Dos Santos Nascimento-surdo, perc; June Tyson-voc. Recorded in concert, Hackney Empire, London, UK, 29 October 1990.
Information from the liner notes by Chris Foster and Chris Trent.
Note: Most (if not all) copies of the first pressing of this set have the discs stamped incorrectly: Disc 1 has the information for Disc 2, &c. [Moudry]
126. Sun Ra Arkestra
Friendly Galaxy
Leo LR188 (1993, CD)
Intro: Percussion (4:19)
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington) (6:19)
Blue Lou (Sampson) (4:58)
Lights on a Satellite (Ra) (5:42)
Alabama (posthumously attributed to Ra; composed & arranged by Jothan Callins [Moudry]) (9:06)
Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) (6:57)
We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) (11:10)
Space Is the Place (9:53)
Saturn Rings/Friendly Galaxy (12:14)
Melody/They'll Come Back (6:04)
Michael Ray-tp, voc; Ahmed Abdullah-tp, voc; Jothan Callins-flg; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; Noel Scott-as; John Gilmore-ts, cl, voc; Charles Davis-bs; James Jacson-bsn, fl, perc; Sun Ra-p, syn; Bruce Edwards-eg; John Ore-b; Buster Smith-d; Clifford Barbaro-d, perc; Elson Dos Santos Nascimento-surdo, perc; June Tyson-voc; Mr. TCIII-voc. Live at Banlieues Bleues, France, 4/11/91. [CD leaflet and Trent]
126a. Sun Ra Sextet
At the Village Vanguard
Rounder 3124 (CD, 1993)
Zensor (German CD, 1993)
'Round Midnight (Hanighen-Williams-Monk) (21:04)
Sun Ra Blues (Ra) (16:11)
Autumn in New York (Duke) (11:00)
'SWonderful (Gershwin-Gershwin) (10:58)
Theme of the Stargazers (Ra) (5:31)
This is actually the All-Star Inventions: John Gilmore-ts, voc; Ra-syn; Chris Anderson-p; John Ore-b; Earl C. "Buster" Smith-d. Village Vanguard, New York City. The engagement was 11/12-11/17/91. Exact dates not yet determined, but Michael Fitzgerald says that none of the material from the first set on 11/15/91 was included on the CD.
127. Sun Ra and his Omniverse Arkestra
Destination Unknown
Enja 7071 (1992, CD)
Carefree (Egyptian Fantasy) (Ra) (10:19)
Untitled (Echoes of the Future) (Ra) (6:26)
Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington-Mercer) (6:48)
Hocus Pocus (Hudson) (2:52)
Theme of the Stargazers (Ra) (6:11)
Interstellar Lo-Ways (Ra) (4:41)
Calling Planet Earth (Destination Unknown) (Ra) (6:41)
Satellites are Scanning (s.b. "Spinning") (Ra) (3:34)
'SWonderful (Gershwin) (4:53)
(Space is the Place)/We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) (4:45)
Ahmed Abdullah-tp, voc; Michael Ray-tp, voc; Tyrone Hill-tb, voc; Marshall Allen-as, fl, voc; James Jacson-bsn, fl, African drum, voc; Ra-p, syn; Bruce Edwards-eg; Jothan Callins-eb; Earl "Buster" Smith-d, announcement; Stanley Morgan-cga; Elson Dos Santos Nascimento-perc. 3/29/92, Moonwalker Club, Aarburg, Switzerland. [CD leaflet, corrections by Pleshar and rlc]